How to decorate the bedroom for Peach Blossoms coming to your home?

In the home space, the bedroom is the main place for people to rest, but in Feng Shui, its layout has a certain role in improving the peach blossom. The furnishings and colors of the bedroom will affect the home's peach blossom. In this issue, we will simply talk about how the bedroom can be arranged to enhance the game.

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Like a lively day

Libra is dominated by Venus. Libras are very active and like to interact with people. They like everyone to be close to him. For Libra, which likes to lively, what kind of bedroom can help them increase their spending? The following small series introduces you.

Bedroom color: The most suitable for warm colors

Librans who are beautiful and strive to balance, should choose warm colors as their primary color choice. When choosing a color, even the color of the floor will be taken into consideration so that the color of the bedroom is balanced, warm and natural. Warm colors can increase the enthusiasm of Libras and make them actively approach those who like them.

Furniture display: orange chair is the highlight

The orange chair is the biggest highlight of the bedroom, satisfying Libra's requirements for aestheticism, and the warm tone can also match the enthusiastic character of Libra. The warm colors of the bedroom will make Libra welcome a lot of positive peach.

Small bedroom decoration: choose elegant glass bottles

Because Libra likes the lively character, they have never been short of peaches, but finding the right person is the most important. Equipped with elegant glass bottles or white decorations in the room, you can drive away the peach blossom for Libra and welcome your own peach.

Bedroom plants: white flowers invite people to love

As for the plants, Libras are best to put a bouquet of white flowers on the dressing table to help you get the feelings you want.

Enthusiastic active Gemini

Gemini is a constellation that likes to change, likes to communicate with people and has continuous exploration of enthusiasm. For enthusiastic and active Gemini, they hope that their partner is also a passionate and active community. Still in a single Gemini friend, how can he quickly improve his game through the bedroom layout?

Bedroom color: The most important aspect of comfort

The lively and mischievous Gemini people always have a restless heart. Gemini pursues a harmonious sense of belonging and a warm sense of comfort. With the use of bedroom colors, plain brown and milky white are selected. The furnishings also strive for a simple balance.

Furniture Placement: Mirrors in the Southwest

Gemini prefers novelties. It is advisable to place a large mirror in the southwest and hang a sachet over the mirror to increase your heterosexuality. If you already have a sweetheart, you can put some silver decorations on the bedside, so there will be unexpected results.

Bedroom Appliances: Sound Enhancement Love Games

Gemini wants to enhance love, it is best to put the sound near the bed, listening to music from time to time to fall asleep, you can reduce your cranky sensitive mood, if the audio equipment is pink is better, it helps to absorb the energy of love.

Bedroom Plants: Sunflower Blossoms

Friends who love plants can put sunflowers on the windowsill and look at the positive sunflowers every day, inspiring the twins' sunshine temperament, increasing Gemini’s opportunity to interact with others, and helping the promotion of love fortune.

Free Aquarius

Libra is a difficult “kite”. For Aquarius who likes and yearns for freedom, the reason why they cannot find the other half is because of their free spirit and because they lack a sense of “security” towards love. Clever use of bedroom decoration can make Aquarius find the other half who understands themselves.

Bedroom color: The most vivid color of linen

Freedom of Aquarius is a style of admiration. Using the main colors of linen can highlight the unique personality of Aquarius, making it easier for them to show their charm before the eyes of the opposite sex.

Furniture Placement: A Small Table Lamp Invites Peach Blossoms

Aquarius friends can put a lovely light pink or beige table lamp on the bedside, both colors are their peach color, help to enhance the Aquarius peach blossom. Let them absorb the energy of love unconsciously during the rest of their sleep.

Bedroom decoration: abstract painting enhances temperament

The abstract painting is also a rare essential item in the home decoration of water bottles. They can integrate the beauty of art into the warmth of home and enhance the temperament of water bottles. So that Aquarius people to reveal their temperament to attract more opposite sex.

Bedroom plants: lemon leaf plants add charm

The gentle water bottle can put some lemon leaf plants in the room. The light lemon fragrance calms the bottle of water, while the Aquarius people are full of fresh air. In order to enhance your mental state, add your attractive charm.

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