Dust hazard in home renovation is not less than formaldehyde

Dust hazard big secret

On the surface, dust does not directly injure people. However, this substance is actually composed of various phenols and hydrocarbons, and contains substances with strong carcinogenicity, especially wood powder with a particle size of less than 10 μm. It will directly enter people's lung tissue and damage the mucous membranes. As far as human health violations are concerned, they are reflected in the following major aspects:

1, systemic infringement

Long-term inhalation of higher concentrations of dust can cause systemic disease (pneumoconiosis) with diffuse, progressive fibrosis in the lungs; if inhaled toxic dust, it can be dissolved in the bronchial wall and be absorbed, and it can be caused by blood to all parts of the body. Systemic poisoning causes serious damage to the central nervous system, respiratory system, and digestive system.

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