Solid wood furniture judgment method, new skill sharing

With the improvement of living conditions, more and more owners are paying attention to whether or not they buy furniture. The solid wood furniture is definitely the first choice, but due to the solid wood in the market, it is easy to buy fake products. People are depressed. Xiao Bian today to teach everyone how to judge the true and false solid wood furniture. Part 1: What are the classification of solid wood furniture? The concept of “all solid wood” and “pure solid wood”, which are circulated in the market, often confuse owners. Even the sales staff of furniture stores are ambiguous about this. First of all, we must clarify the concept of the two: 1, all solid wood furniture: refers to a tree species as the main material, corners and other inconspicuous parts of other relatively cheap tree species as a supplementary material, in order to reduce the cost. For example, solid wood flooring and solid wood skirtings are a good example. 2, pure solid wood furniture: refers to all materials are taken from the same species of furniture processing. At present, the market is very few and the vast majority are full solid wood furniture with mixed main materials and auxiliary materials. Part :2: How to distinguish the true and false of solid wood furniture? 1, smell smell: high-quality solid wood homes are accompanied by a good smell of wood flavor, pine turpentine flavor, beech wood has obvious smell of camphor, etc., but fiberboard, MDF will generally have a more intense pungent odor, especially Doors or drawers. 2, look at the surface: to observe the pros and cons of the wood, the main parts of the furniture, such as pillars should not have large knots or cracks. 3. Judging tree species : Currently, solid wood furniture on the market usually uses beech wood, white oak, manchurian ash, oak, rubber wood, eucalyptus, and so on. Tree species have a direct impact on prices and quality. The price of wood is increasing. 4, be careful "mixed" version of solid wood furniture: imitation wood furniture from the appearance of the natural texture of wood, feel and color are the same as solid wood furniture, but in fact is a combination of solid wood and wood-based panels of furniture. The majority of owners must be clear about the purchase of "full solid wood", where the use of MDF, knocked on the wooden surface with a hand knock, solid wood furniture sound more crisp, man-made board is a low voice.

Solid wood furniture

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