The development direction of China's machine tool industry

"Business outsourcing", also known as "virtual manufacturing", is a manufacturing enterprise that weakens part or all of the intermediate manufacturing links of the business chain, implements commissioned collaborative processing, and develops product design upstream of the business chain, downstream marketing (including after-sales service). A manufacturing management model that is strengthened by other links. This model is expressed in the form of small (fine), two-headed (strong) "dumbbell" structure in the form of enterprise organization.
Experts believe that "virtual manufacturing" is an external manifestation of the various elements of the industrial chain moving regularly and in a global manner. For the dominant enterprises, their movement tends to the middle and high end of the industrial chain, and finally achieves (relative) control over the entire industrial chain; for the average small and medium-sized enterprises and weak enterprises, their movement tends to the middle and low end of the industrial chain, becoming A link in the industrial chain or a number of parts of a certain link, in the end, its "attachment" to the dominant enterprise, thus forming a dynamic industrial ecosystem. Industrial ecosystem. Industrial ecosystem. Industrial ecosystem.
At present, the popular "virtual manufacturing" forms mainly include the following three types: First, OEM manufacturing, also known as OEM manufacturing. It refers to the core enterprise to hand over the designed product to the professional manufacturing contractor, and put the famous brand of the core enterprise on the final product. The second is the design and manufacture of the brand, which means that the seller purchases the manufacturer's design materials (patent technology) to let the foundry companies organize the production of the products and put them on the brand's external sales. The third is process outsourcing manufacturing, which usually means that the core enterprises spread some rough processing and low-tech processes to the enterprises with low labor costs in the surrounding areas, and handle the key processes such as finishing, assembly and testing. The presiding is controlled by oneself.
Due to historical reasons, the industrial layout of more than a thousand enterprises in China's machine tool industry has tended to be the same, resulting in a large amount of production and a serious level of repeated construction. The phenomenon of “big and complete” and “small but complete” is widespread, and enterprises exist internally. The self-supporting awareness is strong, the production cycle is too long, the cost is high, the performance and reliability of the whole machine cannot be guaranteed, and the market demand is unresponsive. In foreign countries, the huge “small giant” enterprises in the parts and accessories industry support the machine tool industry. The main engine factory generally only involves product design and assembly, including the processing and manufacturing of a few key components such as precision spindles, beds and work benches. Machine tool self-made rate usually does not exceed 30%. Due to the forward-looking and effective strategic design, in the era of economic globalization and international competition, the trend of foreign machine tool enterprises' competitive advantage is obvious, and most of the industry enterprises are small enterprises, generally 220~500 people, and the maximum is 800. People, sales revenues are in the tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. Therefore, in order to change this unfavorable situation completely in China's machine tool industry, it must be in line with the international level and transition to virtual manufacturing.
The impact of “virtual manufacturing” on the development model of China's machine tool industry is reflected in two aspects. At the macro level, the first is to maximize the revitalization of the existing assets of existing enterprises, so that they can effectively play the capital function and avoid redundant construction. Second, it is conducive to breaking the sector closure, segmentation, and realizing the core capacity expansion of core enterprises (companies with significant competitive advantages in the industry), driving the adjustment of related products and industrial structure, and improving the overall competition level of the industry. For those core enterprises (host manufacturers), through "virtual manufacturing", targeted professional manufacturers are selected, and they are supported and cultivated as their own supporting groups. For each small professional factory, it is a good opportunity to seize the core business outsourcing, and squeeze into the supporting group to form a strategic alliance with the OEM to achieve a “win-win”. Third, it is conducive to the cluster effect of China's machine tool industry. The machine tool industry has very significant regional characteristics, such as Europe and the United States, and China is no exception. Chongqing, Chengdu, Yunnan, Shenyang, Shanghai, Beijing, Shaanxi, etc. are the main clusters of China's machine tool industry. The industrial cluster effect should be fully exerted. The dominant enterprises must have the courage and charm of being the “flagship” of the industry. Integrate the regional manufacturing resources with the concept of “big manufacturing” to create an industrial ecosystem; the average small enterprise should be a “supporting role”. Be good at exerting the advantages of cost, mechanism and response speed, occupying the industrial links that match their core competencies in the global or regional machine tool industry chain, so that enterprises can do a good job, become stronger and bigger, and the industry itself can step into it. A virtuous cycle develops.
At the micro level, first, companies can streamline their organizations, reduce redundancy, and reduce labor and operating costs. The second is to reduce investment in fixed assets and raw materials, reduce investment risks (actually transfer risks, diversify risks), and increase capital turnover and return on investment. After some or all of the processing business is outsourced, the fixed assets invested by the core enterprises in production equipment and workshops can be reduced or not even invested, avoiding blind spreads. At the same time, raw material procurement and logistics management can be handled by the contractor, so that the initial capital investment is minimized. Enterprises do not have to worry about the redundancy of manpower and equipment in the off-season factory, and the shortage of personnel and equipment during the peak season, thus improving the resilience of the market. The third is to concentrate resources, promote research and development and sales, or carry out mergers and acquisitions, and achieve rapid expansion at low cost. Due to the savings in manpower and financial resources in the first and second points, enterprises can concentrate resources on the two important aspects of research and development and sales. At the same time, companies can acquire a new technology or acquire a new competitive advantage by acquiring other companies.

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