Scientific use of corn field post-emergence herbicides

At present, with the large-scale application of corn herbicides , the labor intensity of farmers has been reduced, which has greatly promoted the development of agriculture. However, due to the inability to correctly master the use of technology, the field operation is not standardized, resulting in unsatisfactory herbicidal effects, and field phytotoxicity has occurred, causing serious losses to farmers and causing many adverse effects on corn production. Therefore, in order to reduce unnecessary losses, cornfield chemical weeding should pay attention to the following problems.

First, the dispensing method must be fully shaken before use, using the second dilution method, water 25-30 kg / ag, evenly sprayed. When the weeds in the corn field are too large and too much, or there are many malignant weeds such as fragrant aconite, snail, and small scorpion, the dosage and water consumption can be appropriately increased.

Second, during the application period, for corn varieties suitable for drug use, it can be sprayed in the whole field of corn 3-5 leaf stage and weed 2-4 leaf stage, and the effect is best; the corn 6-8 leaf stage should be avoided when spraying Corn growth point, directed at weed directional spray, it is recommended to wear a protective cover in front of the nozzle to avoid damage to the corn caused by improper operation. Herbicides can no longer be used after the 8 leaf stage. It should be avoided to use high temperature and strong sunshine at noon or high temperature or windy weather for 3 consecutive days. It is best to apply before 9-10 am, especially after 4-5 pm.

Third, note 1, herbicides generally can not be re-sprayed and increased doses, even if the leakage of spray can not make up the spray, easy to cause phytotoxicity. 2. Do not use organophosphorus insecticides within 7 days before or after mixing with organophosphate insecticides or herbicides to avoid phytotoxicity. Can be mixed with pyrethroid insecticides . 3. Rain within 8 hours after application will affect the effect and need to be re-sprayed. 4, under abnormal conditions, such as high temperature, high humidity, drought, low temperature, muddy and other conditions should not be used. 5. The soil will affect the weeding effect within one week after application. Do not spray when the corn leaves are exposed to dew or rain. Diseased seedlings and weak seedlings should not be used. 6. It is strictly forbidden to use a motorized sprayer to spray herbicides. The water consumption per mu is not less than 25 kg. 7. Sweet corn, smashed corn, seeding and self-crossing fields should not be used. 8, the occurrence of phytotoxicity should be immediately watered, while spraying gibberellin, Ai Zengmei or Shuofeng 481 to relieve the phytotoxicity, seriously consider the destruction of other crops.

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Goolee Decoration Material Co., Ltd. ,