The hard-earned money saves the decoration of the working class to avoid the 5 errors

The hard-earned money saves money The working-class renovation needs to avoid the 5 errors

First, there are too many spotlights. In the current home decoration, many working families pursue the beauty brought by the light. So they installed spotlights as much as possible in home decorating. But in fact this is a big mistake. First of all, too many spotlights are prone to safety hazards. Although these spotlights seem to have a small number of wattages, they accumulate heat in small lamps, which generates high temperatures in a short period of time. Over time, they can easily cause fires. Secondly, these spotlights are usually turned on only when the guests come in, or are used only after the holidays. In addition, they are usually not used. Many comrades equipped with spotlights are more regretful, thinking that this is to spend money to buy a mistake. Therefore, in the placement of spotlights, we should adhere to the principle of being able to reduce the amount of light.

Second, the living room entrance is too complicated. In contemporary housing design, most of the living room is attached to the restaurant, so there is an entrance in the living room and dining room. It should be said that it is more important to decorate the entrance. It is not only an extension of the living room decoration, but also a beautiful barrier separating the living room and the dining room. However, many hard-to-finish families have designed the entrance too complex, which is counterproductive. First of all, the complicated entrance destroys the overall beauty of the living room; secondly, because the entrance is a living room and one side is a restaurant, complications are not conducive to hygiene and cleanliness. Over time, it will affect beauty. Therefore, in the entrance design, we must strive to be simple and practical, so that it does not capture the beauty of the living room, but also easy to stay beautiful.

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