"Solar Grid" bricks allow buildings to generate electricity themselves and they will be introduced into the city in 2018

The British "Daily Mail" reported that these bricks, called "solar squares", are designed to be seamlessly embedded in new buildings or used to refurbish existing buildings. The research team behind this new brick hopes to bring it to market in 2018.

The "Solar Grid" was developed by researchers at the University of Exeter, UK, who specialize in BIPV. This brick is similar to the existing glass bricks and can replace traditional bricks to allow sunlight to enter the building.

Each tile contains smart optics that focus sunlight onto small solar cells, thereby increasing the total power generated by each cell. The resulting electricity can power buildings, be stored in batteries or be used to charge electric vehicles.

The University of Exeter’s research team is currently looking for investment to conduct commercial testing of the product. The team has set up a startup called Solar Construction Company to promote and produce this pioneering product.

Dr. Hassan Baeger, founder of the Solar Construction Company and the Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development at the University of Exeter, said: “BIPV is a continuously growing industry with an annual growth rate of 16%.”

Baige said: "The facts will prove that the establishment of a company that caters to this growing market will benefit the British economy in the long run."

Dr. Tapas Malik, chief scientific adviser to Solar Construction, added: “We plan to create integrated, affordable, efficient and attractive solar technologies with minimal impact on the surrounding landscape.”

Malik said: "This is an exciting exploration. When planning to develop infrastructure projects such as new office buildings, public buildings, train stations and parking lots, this technology should inspire the imagination of the construction industry."

Buildings around the world consume more than 40% of the world's electricity.

Solar Construction's new technology will enable on-site generation and local use, while the technology seamlessly integrates into the building itself.

The solar construction company's team believes that in addition to providing electricity to buildings, their brick insulation performance is even better than traditional glass bricks.

This patent-pending technology is currently in the prototype stage and the research team is fine-tuning the design to test the technology on the pilot building.

One of the inventors of this technology, Jim Williams, manager of the commercialization of research results at the University of Exeter, believes that the timing of this technology is very favorable.

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