Cropping between crops

In agricultural production, pesticides are often used in addition to crop pests and diseases, but the pesticides on the crops and the resistance of pests and diseases have brought many harms to our production and life. Reasonable crops to control pests and diseases are better than pesticides. Let's try it.
----Soybean or peanut intercropping ramie: 200-300 strains of ramie are planted evenly in soybean or peanut fields, so that the chafers that lay eggs in the field can be poisoned by nettle leaves, and the insect population is reduced by 90. About %, increase production by more than 10%, and the effect is better than spraying pesticides.
----Cultivated pumpkin between corn: Pumpkin nectar can induce the parasitic natural enemies of the corn borer - black bee, which can effectively reduce the damage of corn borer.
---- Peanut planting between corn: the damage of corn mash can be significantly reduced.
----Cucumber in the corn line: can reduce the mosaic disease of cucumber by 61.6%.
---- Intercropping of potato and garlic: The potato late blight can be inhibited.
---- Corn and green peppers are separated by ridges: the virus of green pepper can be reduced by 56.9%.
----Maize intercropping cabbage: can reduce the soft rot, downy mildew and viral diseases of cabbage.
---- Cabbage between garlic: can reduce the soft rot of cabbage by 62.5%.
---- The scent of tomatoes grown in cabbage and cabbage can make the cabbages that lay eggs on cruciferous vegetables escape.
---- Winter melon and tomato seed together: can significantly reduce the daily burning of tomato.
---- Cucumbers in the vineyard: the brown spot and downy mildew of the grapes can be reduced by 47.5%.
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