Buy lighting: romantic and energy-saving

Spring is a season of blooming mountains, and it is also a season of individuality and truthful release. The reporter visited Huayi Decorative City, a number of lighting shops learned that decorated with colorful lighting personalized home has become the crowning touch of home decoration, and the blooming personality of the light of feather lamps, fabric lamps, lanterns, butterfly lamps, etc. is even more become home Lighting is the first choice to make home life spring and bright.


1. Color: White light is a romantic taboo. To give a lover a warm red, orange, and yellow light chandeliers, floor lamps, high and low candles, etc., can create a romantic and charming atmosphere.

2. Energy-saving: Lighting should not only consider beauty, energy-saving and environmental protection is also a problem that cannot be ignored. It is recommended to choose the best energy-saving lamps that can be configured to save a lot of money for daily use.

3. Material: material selection is the most likely to make consumers confused, but also the most likely to allow merchants to shoddy, in the purchase can not defend. Suggestions can be selected from the brackets, cloth covers, etc., generally high-quality lighting, more use of pure copper as a bracket, with aluminum or iron bracket, the durability is relatively not so high, it is recommended in the purchase, can bring their own 1 Block magnet, if it is iron, then use a magnet to check it out; in addition if you buy crystal lighting, you can compare the weight of the crystal pendant, cut surface, whether it contains impurities and other tests, the general feel deeper, cut surface The more and more visible the bubbles and impurities in the light, the good quality.

Fashion: Lantern decoration romantic home

Warm and romantic crystal lamps, elegant butterfly lamps, feather lamps, fabric lamps, lanterns, etc., will decorate the warm and fashionable home environment. Reporters visited Huayi Decoration City, a number of brand lighting stores found that spring is coming, the special personality of lighting has become the most striking highlights of home lighting.

According to Liang Guojian, general manager of Qiandeng Store, no matter the designer or the owner, they are very focused on the design and layout of home lighting. The warmth, romance and comfort have become the mainstream trend of home lighting design. All kinds of warm and romantic lanterns, Lanterns are also increasingly popular with consumers.

Market: Most favored by energy-saving products

Yesterday, when the reporter visited Huahong Lighting Co., Ltd., Qiandeng Store, Crystal Palace and other large-scale brand lighting stores, they found that there were various types of lanterns and lanterns, and energy-saving and energy-saving products were the most popular.

At Huahong Lighting Fair, crystal-clear crystal candlelights, cute and playful cloth lights, and warm and romantic heart-shaped crystal lamps make people feel attentive. At Qiandeng Store, there are also a variety of warm and romantic feather lamps and shells. Lights, butterfly lights, lanterns, pink, red, pink, pink and other colors. According to Liang Guojian, general manager of Qiandeng Store, these romantic types of lights are energy-efficient. Even if they are more expensive, consumers can accept it.

Lighting Options Villa Design Chandelier Lighting Home Furnishing Decoration Design Decoration Living Room Floor Lamp Lantern Study Design Small Study Study Arrangement European Study Home Furnishing European Home Balconies Study Cubicle European Restaurant Decoration Home Bedroom Lamp

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